For Saman Khoshgbari alias FLOURBOY it’s entirely natural to build something out of nothing. Spending part of his youth in the concrete environment of Tehran, improvisation is his way of life.
Almost a decade ago, he started a family pizzeria. Pizza became an integral part of his live. With this project, he wanted to take pizza to the next level.
He came up with the idea of eternalizing pizza. With no plan nor any experience, he locked himself up at the attic of the pizzeria and started figuring out how he could put his idea into practice. He dedicated himself to the art of epoxy casting and many months of trial and error followed.
His innate persistence helped him push through until he found his unique way of turning pizza into sculptures.
The pieces are inspired by minimalism, modern Japanese architecture and a sense of personal nostalgia. From start to end, every art piece is designed, created and finished at the pizzeria by his hands.